Car rental companies
Owner of location facilities
Family in country sides
Transport sector (road)
Real estate offices
Internet and websites (location)
Chemical producers
Production of hardware
Chemical retailers (+ hardware)
Packaging industries
Shipbrokers (cargo)
Branche shops
Storage shops
Authority for funding company abroad
Trading companies
Harbour staff
Internet (Dark Web)
Lobby of pharmasist companies
Postal delivery services
Family transport business
Airports, harbours and trains in EU countries and abroad
Vulnerable 'entrepeneurs' (with financial problems)
No contract for rent
EU border with China
Exploiting poor people
Mislabelling resource
Low education
Legal chemical industry
Willingness to report
Lack of EU equal or common legislation
Cash payment for rent
EU P.O.I. Chemicals
Registration strangers risk company
Chemical professionals (recruitment in universities)
Lack of cooperation
Open borders
No customs
Chemical substance only for illegal products
Lack of knowledge of chemical material
Learning on social media
Learning in prison
Strange or mislabelling
Sudden security measures
High level of water and electricity
Source country route into Europe
Changed abnormal behavior
Fulltime activity
Persons related to companies
Fake companies
New people, new activities
New precursors (warning system)
24h process, light during night
Chemical substances only for illegal products
Payment in cash
Customs services EU
Local police
Water and electricity companies
Tax authorities
Inhabitants (suspect behaviour)
Private housing market
Local communities and mayor
Isolation retailers
Security companies
Fire department
Harbour authorities
Electricity, water and gas companies
Chemical industries
Local police
Couriers (internet)
Harbour profile analyst risk
Chamber of Commerce
Prosecution office
Toll companies
Europol (analysis)
EU legislation
Forensic lab
Postal delivery services
Transport services
Act on preparing
No cash transactions (rental)
Health scanners
EU P.O.I. chemicals
Administrative law: in order to enter facilities
Contract for rent
Screening companies (import)
Stop conversations with facilitators (mayor)
Obligate rent though wire transfer
Coorperation chemical industry (suspect behavior)
Training of citizens
Social control and awareness (local police)
Training for professionals: knowledge
HARK team: multidisciplinair teams
Bilateral teams: policy, justice, customs
Awareness chemical universities
Making common law in EU
List of chemicals
Training in chemical for LE
Monitoring prisoners and follow-up
Easier international cooperation