Crime Frameworks is a website providing a wide-ranging set of advanced tools for practitioners, programme managers and policymakers; and a wealth of material for researchers. Developed by Professor Paul Ekblom, the Crime Frameworks support sharper and more productive thinking, planning, design, communication, sharing of practice knowledge and action in crime prevention, security and community safety. Drawing on Crime Science and other fields, they cover both situational and offender-oriented interventions to tackle crime and terrorism more effectively, now and in future.
The frameworks include:
- A clear and consistent suite of terms, definitions and concepts with which to articulate, record and share diverse approaches to crime and security
- The 5Is Framework which is both an advanced process model (Intelligence, Intervention, Implementation, Involvement, Impact & process evaluation) and a knowledge capture framework. It is a more sophisticated counterpart of the SARA model for Problem-Oriented Policing, and also for describing action for knowledge-management purposes.
- The Conjunction of Criminal Opportunity, a ‘one-stop-shop’ integrated framework of the immediate causes of criminal events, and counterpart intervention principles – similar to the Problem Analysis Triangle but much more comprehensive and detailed
- The Ds Framework, for describing how situational interventions have their effect on the offender
- The Misdeeds and Security Framework, for thinking systematically about the range of crime risks and security possibilities potentially emerging from new products and other fruits of design
The Crime Frameworks website focuses variously on here-and-now crime, security and terrorism problems; the secure design of products, places (CPTED), systems and services; cybercrime; future crimes; crime-security arms races and other evolutionary processes; and techniques and applications of evaluation.